Category Archives: Uncategorized


Back from my trip away and there was the sense of the changing of seasons – Summer passing into Autumn. I had one last walk to make. Arrived home on the train late on Friday evening with a lingering flu. … Continue reading

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I realise that the name should change. It should no longer be “A Line Made By Walking and Assembling Bits and Pieces of the Bodywork of Illegally Dumped Cars Found at the Edge of Roads and Tracks in the Illawarra … Continue reading

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Rethinking Multiplexing

Last year I wrote about a ‘multiplexed’ notion of art, arguing that instead of dissolving the boundaries between art and everyday life, significant forms of contemporary practice run as currents through all manner of other, extra-artistic activities. I suggested that … Continue reading

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I could write about the plans for the installation and its practical development, but I have no wish for this to become a journal. These assembled posts do not simply provide a background to the project. They are intimately tied … Continue reading

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All of my walks have been made alone. A week or so ago, however, on the afternoon of the 11th of April, I organised a group walk around the large Mount Nebo, Mount Keira circuit. Visiting artists, Simon Pope and … Continue reading

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I must show this one image, if only to express a doubt. The image is a composite of all seven of the cutting actions. The seven sets of four images are each two feet wide and four feet high. They … Continue reading

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As much as I do my best to adhere to the various rules that I have established for myself in this project, there are always elements of failure. Sometimes it is because the specific rule only occurs to me in … Continue reading

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For the past week I had not been thinking much. Too many other things to do. If the work was not satisfactorily finished then let it fade away. There was now simply the practical necessity of installation, which really didn’t … Continue reading

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And finally here is the completed map composed of sketches produced at 15 minute intervals. It took some work to separate the pages and decipher the scribbled times in the upper right hand corners. I should note that this map, … Continue reading

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I should note that I have decided not to suspend the cut out pieces from the ceiling. Instead they will be simply balanced against one another to form an overall line on a small, unpainted pine table. I like the … Continue reading

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It occurs to me that this project has an ambivalent attitude to communication. At one level, it has a highly private aspect and engages with dimensions of silence. At another level, it makes all kinds of efforts to communicate – … Continue reading

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Multiplexing (more)

The notion of multiplexing suggests a reserved relation between art and everyday life. Rather than directly correspond, the two maintain a polite distance even within the texture of a single event. At any time life can be separated from art … Continue reading

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Multiplexing (more again)

To be a bit more simple and straightforward: Art develops a renewed focus on the live. This does not emerge simply in its specific relation to the live, but in terms a of larger cultural context in which the live … Continue reading

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What is it to write poetry? Why do I resist it? Why do I tend to prefer full sentences and paragraphs? What would it mean to return to the poetic? And how would this take shape precisely? Through phrase fragments? … Continue reading

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Essay and Journal

I seem to have no patience for the essay. Here I am speaking more as a writer than as reader. As a reader, I quite admire a coherent extended argument, but as a writer I quickly grow bored. Much prefer … Continue reading

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Multiplexing (…)

I began with an ethical concern – to protect some notion of walking from aesthetic sublation. Now, however, it seems to me less a matter of protecting life from art or art from life (as though each term were somehow … Continue reading

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Walking as Medium/Media/Mediation

Walking as Medium Walking is not a solid medium. It is a temporal and ephemeral medium. Tracks may remain, but not the act of walking itself which disappears in the process of happening. Walking as Media The term media is … Continue reading

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Walking as Medium (more)

Walking is not quite the point. If the Situationists walked drunkenly through Paris it was not to insist upon the artistic potential of walking, it was to rethink aspects of social space. Walking is just a means of shifting beyond … Continue reading

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Walking (not a medium)

We tend to speak of a “medium of communication”. Walking is not a medium of communication – or is not necessarily a medium of communication. Walking does not necessarily serve to transmit some form of signal from point A to … Continue reading

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Three contexts

For my purposes three different contexts for considering issues of media and mediation are relevant: 1. There is firstly the context of media and communication studies, in which media is linked specifically to the transmission of messages via an intermediary … Continue reading

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Walking as Art

Walking relates to art in a number of ways: Walking as the making strange of typically urban social space (the classic form of the derive) – affective inclination and alienating protocols Walking as ephemeral practice – issues of documentation and … Continue reading

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Walking and me

But what does walking mean to me? I am less concerned to defamiliarise space than to engage with it, to discover and follow existing, sometimes latent paths.

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I reside in the middle of Paris. When I leave my home, I long for the countryside and solitude. […] The moment I slip away from the retinue of the wicked is delightful; and as soon as I find myself … Continue reading

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So much written on walking…

In her recent study of walking-based art practice, Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers (2013), Karen O’Rourke reviews traditions of practice from Baudelaire’s flaneur, through to the Dadaists parodic Paris tours, the Situationist derives, the counter land art of Richard … Continue reading

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Easy to be a fake

It would be easy to be a fake walking-based artist in the manner of Richard Long or Hamish Fulton. You wouldn’t have to go on a walk at all. You could just write in bold text: 24 HOURS, BLINDFOLDED, WALKING … Continue reading

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