I could write about the plans for the installation and its practical development, but I have no wish for this to become a journal. These assembled posts do not simply provide a background to the project. They are intimately tied to it. I walk and I write. I have walked and I have written.

I have been advised to leave this writing out – to just display a limited set of documentary materials. Some have suggested that I am leaving no room for imaginative viewer response, others that I am making unreasonable demands on the viewer’s time. This writing risks then two forms of exhaustion – an exhaustion of viewer imagination and an exhaustion of viewer engagement. But I am prepared to take this risk. It is more important for me to avoid obscuring the total complex of practices that constitute this work.

Actually this process suggests new possibilities for me for writing. Writing becomes tied to action. It becomes an aspect of action. It shapes and informs other dimensions of action and discovers a renewed sense of openness and freedom by not being entirely book based, by discovering associations with walking, cutting and image-making, with all kinds of currents of ordinarily silent action.

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