Author Archives: brogan


The relation between LeWitt and his draftsperson is often compared to the relation between a composer and performer , but I think it’s also valid to look at the comparison between a programmer and the entity of execution.1 In an … Continue reading

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Last Exile

Exhibition opening talk – Last Exile, Agnieszka Golda and Martin Johnson, Friday June 17th 2011, Wollongong City Gallery Thanks to Martin and Agnieszka for asking me to open this show, which I know has taken so much work. We shared … Continue reading

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Walk – 19/11/2011 & 20/11/2011

A walk can follow a trail, but it can also determine one. It can shape a trail from a network of real and latent paths. The trail may shift from the uncertainty of an animal track to the clarity of … Continue reading

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Flooded Creek

Why bother describing the creek when I have photographed it, when I include the five photographs here? Is it to provide a context for the images, to explain that they depict a flooded Byarong creek – a creek that runs … Continue reading

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9 Walks (idea)

A work on walking and the everyday. Not the walks of a flaneur or a psychogeographer. No effort to reshape space via the practice of walking. Instead to reflect upon a set of walks that I regularly do. Begin with … Continue reading

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Media Art 0

[Sorry, there are going to be a number of these. I know they are repetitive. They are my effort to find ways of describing media art, not that the genre is especially important or requires closely policed limits, just that … Continue reading

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Media Art 1

[These are notes for a possible introductory text.] What is media art? Forgive me, I know this is a dumb, dumb question… Vere simply, media art is not a clear category. It is not as though you can simply clarify … Continue reading

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Media Art 2

Media art is typically associated with technologically based systems of representation and communication. However the notion of media can also be thought more generally – as middle, as milieu (Serres), as paradoxical ontological condition. The strangely inert and active space … Continue reading

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Evening Sounds

Garbled, scarcely audible sounds emanating from the rocks, way up on the cliffs, in the gathering darkness, with the brown brush jutting out between the cracks, with nothing being said below or in the nearby town, with the lights of … Continue reading

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things to remember

– Communication and Media Studies – amorphous and interdisciplinary – my background – Derrida, Ponge, Bazin, Barthes, Blanchot, Kracaeur on the thing (the other). Serres combines a concern with the complexities of mediation with a concern with the real. All … Continue reading

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Media 3

A medium is alive as long as it is being used for pornographic ends In his Tue, 20 Dec 2011 15:51:41 +0100 post, Florian Cramer argues that McLuhan’s famous “the medium is the message” is less an effective model for … Continue reading

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Media 4

I began studying a Bachelor of Communication and Media Production at the Canberra College of Advanced Education (now the University of Canberra) in 1982. It was the first year that the program ran. I can remember meeting with the convenor, … Continue reading

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Media 5

Related to Media 5 post, it is funny that Shannon and Weaver’s transmission model of communication (1949) was always presented as a vital and yet ludicrous point of disciplinary origin. What enabled this apparently very crude model of senders, messages, … Continue reading

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Stack Order

By default WordPress displays posts in reverse chronological order – the first come last and the last come first. This system accords at the level of the user interface with a fundamental computational data structure, the stack. Like a stack … Continue reading

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Computation and the Everyday

Have recently become interested in the question of the ‘everyday’. Very developed body of literature on this topic, including authors such as Lefebvre, Blanchot, de Certeau, Perec, Sheringham, Highmore, etc. Lefebvre describes the everyday as a level of social being … Continue reading

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Loom (new)

Finally have returned to the Loom graphics engine. Big job of implementing bezier curve subdivision. So far have just worked on quad subdivision. Two examples, playing around with the fly-wire theme. Of course these are very tiny versions of much … Continue reading

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At one level academic referencing is a matter of honesty and etiquette. It acknowledges that your work has developed from other work and enables your readers to follow up on specific sources should they be interested. Hardly objectionable in these … Continue reading

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Loom (more)

My mode of practice… So I determine the set of parameters relevant to the work of subdividing a spline polygon. A new center, for instance, can be calculated at the actual center of the current polygon or the center can … Continue reading

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Hammer Heads

What the hell am I dreaming about? Some ludicrous performance/installation in which two young men crawl about across cushions or mattresses in a paint-spattered gallery space. I try to describe this to an acquaintance but he quickly loses interest. Realising … Continue reading

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I first heard the term ‘object-oriented’ used beyond the context of computer programming in relation to the rhetoric of promoting an on-line learning initiative. Structured as discrete modular bundles, the various learning activities were said to adopt an ‘object-oriented’ approach. … Continue reading

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It occurs to me, after writing the preceding post (“Objects”), that object-oriented programming (OOP) differs from object-oriented philosophy in one important respect. The objects in OOP are instances of abstract classes. They lack any sense of opaque, materially impenetrable autonomy. … Continue reading

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Loom (more…)

Loom is based on an overall graphics engine, but it is easy to forget about the engine’s more general capacities when focusing on the details of shape subdivision. At the weekend, for instance, somebody asked if there was any means … Continue reading

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Critical Art

[Art apparently draws light from darkness, dispels the clouds of habitual perception and wards off the prospect off a living death. In short, it enlightens. At the same time, however, rather than simply opposing or sublating the figures of darkness, … Continue reading

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Loom (operation)

How to conceive the space of operation? I am thinking of the operation of the Loom subdivision algorithms – their actual running. Can the sphere of operation be conceived in terms of Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole – with … Continue reading

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The field of operation always remains out of view. Even when apparently visible, operation withdraws. It withdraws by dutifully following and, in following, it charts a plane of performance that can be mapped but never encompassed. No matter how well … Continue reading

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