From Version 1.0 to 2.0


The artist ventures out into the world
They observe or imagine
They come up with an idea (or are invited to come up with or implement an existing idea)
(They may apply for an Australia Council Grant)
They withdraw to their studio
They make an art work
They exhibit it (probably paying for the privilege)
(with the support of the almighty gallery director)
The audience looks at the work
They praise, criticise or ignore it
They may even buy it – and, if well connected,
support the artist in their pursuit of a grant, a residency or
a teaching job


The artist experiences the world
They participate, observe, imagine
They come up with an idea (in collaboration with others) (or are invited to come up with
or implement an existing idea in collaboration with others)
(They may apply for an Australia Council Grant or pursue a research scholarship)
They engage with the world in terms of some set of artistic rules
They document the process
There is no material art work – only the event and its documentation
They figure out some way of installing the latter (probably paying for the privilege)
(with the support of the almighty curator)
The audience may have been participants in the work
Or continue to be participants in the work
Or they may come to engage with the documentation
They praise, criticise or ignore it
They are offered crafty ways to buy it, or accept that
buying is not possible – and, if well connected,
support the artist in their pursuit of a grant, a residency or
a teaching job

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