
A five dollar note curved in the shape of a boomerang stands on its side, supported at the rear by a portable hard drive and at the front by a folded piece of A4 paper. The note is purple. It displays the Queen’s head, which looks in my direction, but past me, as though there are more important things to consider than myself. The Queen appears very serious and composed. Visible beside her is the suspended branch of a gum tree. The branch is not altogether coherent because the lower left corner of the note is folded and confused, leaving a mixture of jumbled leaves and subtle engraving lines. What can the Queen be looking at so resolutely, especially with one or more branches around her and the sky a tissue of dark incisions? A breeze blows in at the kitchen door. The note flutters, vibrates and falls down. The Queen succumbs unperturbed to her fate – supplanted by a geometrical pattern.

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