
Another walk up the hill, but without the camera. Discovered that a portion of the dirt road running along the top ridge had been gravel asphalted since I was last up there a week ago. There had been piles of blue metal lying on the side of the road for many months but no sign that anything much was happening. I followed the newly paved road down through an old metal gate to an equally new clearing. Could somebody possibly be building a house up here? Is the whole ridge privately owned? Walked a bit further down the track to discover another flat area, with puddles, mud, deer tracks and the remnants of an old cottage rotting in the adjacent brush. Further up the hill I came across an old foam mattress, seemingly less inclined to decompose. I walked back up to the main ridge and then descended down another track on the Mt Kembla side. It led to another large open area, with a line of small boulders placed in the ground, as though as a barrier to cars. At the far end of the open area was an old wrecked steel shed with a concrete floor. I could hear the Mt Kembla coal mine in the near distance.

Returned to the before and after image convention this time. Once again I went for my walk late afternoon, approaching dusk, so the top image is brighter than the lower one. This time I took photographs inside.

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