Category Archives: Uncategorized

Quick Thoughts

Nature: In his Discourse on Inequality (1753), Rousseau describes a history of the degeneration of humanity via increasingly corrupting social forms. Instead of providing a means of improvement and emancipation, society emasculates our natural capacities and leaves us in thrall … Continue reading

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Art and New Knowledge

In order to obtain university patronage, art must position itself as research that produces new knowledge. Art as new knowledge? I suppose you could just about argue this when the notion of art is retroactively fitted to various societies that … Continue reading

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Going Outside

I must collect my thoughts in order to write this, in order to distinguish what properly belongs inside this account and what should properly be left out. Any delimited interior is of course an artifice. This account could have been … Continue reading

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Computational space is an abstraction. There are certainly x and y screen coordinates, but space is ultimately an epiphenomenon. Underlying the sense of space and spatial navigation are abstract structures – the array, the linked list, the tree. If the … Continue reading

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Aesthetic Murder?

Can murder be aesthetic? My immediate response is no. This is in terms of a conception of aesthetics that is fundamentally concerned with social realisation – for establishing the ethical grounds of society and looking ultimately towards a basis for … Continue reading

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Minski’s Hospitality

Hospitality in socially engaged art. To invite somebody in. To permit them to participate. To describe/circumscribe a context for participation. This is, after all, your artwork. You are named. A group of you are named. The group has a name. … Continue reading

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For the past year or so I have been playing guitar at night. Have discovered Open G tuning and have started playing fingerstyle. Whenever I come up with a tune I record it in a single take on my iPad. … Continue reading

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A Pen and a Pencil

Thanks to the person who very kindly sent me a pencil and a pen in an effort to encourage me to write more. Do my best, but I’m afraid that I follow my own patterns of wayward and sporadic writing … Continue reading

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Aesthetics is political, but is not itself directed to the political. In the classic formulation of Schiller, the aesthetic paves the way for enlightened political society. It provides an education at the level of sensibility that is vital towards individuals … Continue reading

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Assemblage. What do I know of assemblage? Very little it seems. So I will start with this ignorance, but also, leaping ahead of myself, posit that perhaps ignorance is a condition of assemblage. There are two conceptions of assemblage: one … Continue reading

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Can you forgive me if I begin again? There are single things, which can be either simple or complex. Simple things cannot be decomposed further. Nothing at human scale is simple. At the smallest scale, the notion of simplicity becomes … Continue reading

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Assemblage, what the fuck? I’m sure I should be reading Deleuze or watching some interminable lecture by Delanda on Youtube (actually his lectures aren’t bad), but fuck it. I’ve gone straight to Wikipedia and straight to assemblage art because I … Continue reading

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Kim, Lucas and I follow creeks up from the beach to the escarpment. Lucas re-enacts materialist film events with Louise. I bought a banjo last night from Clive in Unanderra. He was in his pyjamas. A MANIFESTO OF FOLLOWING What … Continue reading

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Have released a new album out on bandcamp. It’s called Whenever.

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Flat Pack Feral

A fantasy of alienated feral existence is rendered in a concrete, neatly packaged and participatory form. A wooden palette of cardboard boxes is placed at the edge of an area of Bundanon forest. Ikea style instructions explain that viewers should … Continue reading

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Survivalist Gaming

Mitchell sent me this: Here’s a good article on survivalist gaming – – but it doesn’t mention my favourite, called A Dark Room – a review: M

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Survivalist Camps

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Grand Tour

Rough notes. Aesthetic experience may conventionally be associated with the so-called higher senses – sight and hearing – but it is intimately connected also with the lower senses – touch, taste and smell – as well as with features of … Continue reading

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Fieldwork is a form of research. It involves leaving the lab and going out into the world. Fun to leave the lab, but also important. Research must be extended beyond the artifice of the lab. In this sense, fieldwork is … Continue reading

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‘Field’ is a complex term with a wide set of meanings. Etymologically – and most concretely – it refers to an open area of land. Yet this openness is complex. A field is less an entirely exterior wilderness than an … Continue reading

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Some Contexts of Fieldwork

Artists as ethnographers – social practice Artists along with scientists – artists on ANARE trips to the Antarctic (Mawson Station), etc. Artists pursuing procedures rigorously in the field – sampling, systematic observation and documentation, etc. (affinities with science, but with … Continue reading

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100 Ideas (earlier)

One hundred and one ideas. I shall not judge them. I was tempted to call them dumb ideas, or DAFT ideas (Dumb Art Fantasy Tasks), but it seems preferable to leave them in their nascent, utopian state. No point in … Continue reading

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I’m Kiki Dee

Video piece (or maybe just audio). All manner of people lay claim to being Kiki Dee. They say simply “I’m Kiki Dee”, although of course they are not Kiki Dee. Kiki Dee is a British soul singer best known for … Continue reading

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Small Grand Tours

Walk to major Australian galleries through areas of nearby bush or parkland. Preferable if this involves crossing a high hill. My clearest example: walk across Canberra’s Mt Ainslie to the Australian National Gallery. The aim is to mimic aspects of … Continue reading

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Complex Fields

Jeff Wall’s ‘Fieldwork’ (2003) depicts archaeological fieldwork in British Columbia. Two fieldworkers excavate the remains of a Native American (Sto:lo Nation) floor, now part of a field. No longer an interior, the floor has passed outside. The walls and roof … Continue reading

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