Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ramblings of a University Middle Manager in the Year 2020

These are some rough reflections on aspects of middle management filtered through the lens of current university crises. What crises? Let’s see: COVID-19 and the sudden shift to remote delivery, loss of international income and associated job losses; confusion in … Continue reading

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Curating Performance

PCI 2020 Symposium, 5-10 OctoberPerformance in the Time of Halting and Transformation This paper represents a very preliminary effort to consider some of the implications of linking performance and curation. My particular interest is in conceiving the relationship between art … Continue reading

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2020 Transcdisciplinary Imaging Conference

Dark Eden, The Sixth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersection Between Art, Science and Culture6 – 8 November 2020 Draft of my paper, ‘Imagining a Dead Hare‘. If we are to discover effective means of imagining a new … Continue reading

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Stated very simply, is aesthetics a ‘thing’? Is aesthetics a distinct category of experience (as Kant envisions), or is it only ever a means of addressing contradictions at the level of lived experience? If the latter, this entails thinking of … Continue reading

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Catching Oneself Looking

At one level aesthetics is all about a specific, but ill-defined, mode of experience. Yet this necessarily involves something else as well – the recognition within the complex contours of beauty, sublimity, etc. that we are subject to an aesthetic … Continue reading

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What is Aesthetics

Aesthetics with a capital ‘A’ refers to a slightly marginal field of philosophy – one that has seen better days, but that prattles along regardless and may even be making some kind of return. It sits forlornly alongside the major … Continue reading

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Many years ago when I was around 15 year old and trying to make a head start with my HSC art studies, I found myself sitting beneath a North Queensland house reading Erle Loran’s Cezanne’s Composition (1943). It may have … Continue reading

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Squid Game

Squid Game is a Netflix Korean television series about a perverse organisation that runs deadly versions of kids games. The participants are financially struggling Koreans who sign their rights away to the organisation in the faint hope of winning the … Continue reading

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Kant’s Examples: brief thoughts on the empirical conditions of aesthetic experience

What if we were to approach Kant’s theory of the beautiful empirically rather than philosophically? What if we were to consider his concrete examples rather than his categorical distinctions and logic? This would enable us to recognise the beautiful as … Continue reading

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Antarctic Futures

For the past few months I have been helping develop Antarctic Futures – an exhibition, public seminar series and program of children’s learning workshops. The event is a collaboration between artists and scientists that aims to mobilise public reflection about … Continue reading

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Generally Descending I’ve been playing piano more seriously for the last couple of years, making an effort to learn music theory, practice scales, etc. This is a collection of short semi-improvised pieces that I recorded over the last few months. Fairly … Continue reading

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Draft for a flawed book. An effort to conceive alternatives to capitalism becomes caught up in the question of justice – and the relation between justice and aesthetics.

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Philosophy and Ugliness

Plato’s Republic is typically read as a largely serious study of the notion of justice, both as a social and individual virtue. It is often criticised in this light for promoting a model of social order characterised by inequity, repression … Continue reading

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Plato’s Contradictions

On an initial reading of Plato’s Republic, three major areas of contradiction were apparent to me. The first two linked to Plato’s overall strategies of philosophical argumentation while the third related to the conception of just social identity developed in … Continue reading

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Justice (in hurry)

Essay on the relevance of Plato’s conception of justice to contemporary environmental debates.

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100 Days of Plato

Reading the entire corpus of Plato’s work over 100 days, with brief summaries and comments. Really belongs as a text-based thing, but have placed up on Instagram. Instead of image based travelogues, etc., let’s go for a reading journey. Why … Continue reading

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