Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fieldwork Notes

What is the place of fieldwork within art? Can fieldwork be placed within art? Art is a field. The field beyond art is a field. A field represents an area at once open and delimited. Can there be a field … Continue reading

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Fieldwork (the aesthetic)

A common critique of the aesthetic involves delineating its social implications. The aesthetic, it is argued, has served within modern capitalism as a means of naturalising aspects of class difference. As the old explicit delineators of social difference within the … Continue reading

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A small well-chalked boulder problem from March 2013. What an utterly long time ago. Just a few moves, but at my limit. Could scarcely believe it when I finally succeeded, grabbing for the good horizontal break and clambering up on … Continue reading

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100 Ideas

Returning to the 100 ideas concept: The first idea, which falls outside the overall set of one hundred ideas, is to assemble one hundred ideas for art projects. A very limited conceptual-aesthetic filter applies. If an idea registers, even for … Continue reading

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Job Interview Responses Drawn from the Lyrics of the Velvet Underground’s ‘Heroin’

So K had given me a copy of the famous Velvet Underground album with Warhol’s banana on the cover. I was playing it on high-rotation in my car. This was a re-release of the original album and included an additional … Continue reading

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Wayward Titles

A set of abstract paintings with figurative titles (Rothko style black canvas entitled ‘Billy Bends Down to Pick Up 10 Bucks from the Pavement’, ‘Sharon Cooks Dinner Yet Again’, ‘Philip Comes Out to his Work Colleagues’). A set of narrative-figurative … Continue reading

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Exogenous Paintings

A series of exogenous paintings. Exogenous in that they are directed outwards towards the immediate context. Rather than representing distant things or remaining internally focused, the paintings are deictic – they point to the world (at least until the context … Continue reading

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K and I collected Greenstone pebbles on the West Coast of NZ South Island. The seas were wild and foamy and the beaches were dark and covered in driftwood. K was better than me at picking out the little green … Continue reading

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So what does it mean to return to painting? But now without any skill or any sustained interrogation of the conditions of the medium? Semi-stupidly, in short? [Damn it, that just sets things in train again, reminding me of Duchamp.] … Continue reading

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Paint interface

Paint Google Paint bear idea with different wordings Paint maps

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Triple Diary

Over a few months keep a diary describing three dimensions of being – dreams, bureaucracy and writing. All three each day entered on a single sheet of paper. A single paragraph for each dimension. An entry can be filled or … Continue reading

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Light to Dark

Trying to produce the odd oil painting. Trying to adopt a simple approach – single session, single brush, fairly heavy paint. Today I decided to begin with the highlights and then work back to the darker tones – mainly to … Continue reading

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Still Thinking About Field Work

…the experimental artist who plays with the commonplace does so in the very midst of crossing the street or tying a shoelace. There is no excerpting and reenacting them on a stage, no documenting them for a show. Art is … Continue reading

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Dreaming of Field Trips

I can recall being despondent one day in my early years of High School. I was sick in bed and unable to go on a long anticipated field trip to the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (Miami, Florida). The garden had … Continue reading

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On the Infinite in Painting

My concern here is not with sublime prospects. The infinite’ that concerns me here is more prosaic and technical. It is linked to George Cantor’s notion of multiple infinities. Of course I am not dealing with numerical prospects, but with … Continue reading

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Art, Fieldwork and the Academy

Who says I’m not a writer or an architect or anything? Who has the authority to decide these things? […] Honestly, I am a fraud, I’m an outsider in all these fields, but this gives me the liberty to work … Continue reading

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Missed Flight

So we missed the flight.  Somehow thought the flight was at 8:30am, when it was actually 6am.  Our early start (3am) wasted.  Big expense buying new tickets for this evening.  Dumb, but what can we do.  Sitting in a airport cafe trying … Continue reading

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Losing Money

What does it matter that some money is gone?  Money is always going or gone.  When we try to save it, things happen to make it go in massive, unexpected chunks.  Somebody explained the karma of money to me – … Continue reading

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Excuse for Writing

Too tired to think deliberately.  I walked out into the cold morning beyond the terminal – out to a valet car park and back.  Wrong level for trees. Failing to walk down the stairs.  Recognising that we are stuck here … Continue reading

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Jet Lag

In summary, we missed the 6am flight and had to take the next at 9:10pm.  Sat in a cafe all day with our bags.  Long, uneventful flight to Dubai.  Arrived at 5:20am.  Caught connecting flight to London at 8:30am.  Landed … Continue reading

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Several Days

Have been in Brighton for several days now.  Have roughly recovered from jet lag, even went bouldering two days ago, but this morning a slight collapse – brief episode of sleepiness. Have not yet found adequate means of describing this … Continue reading

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I’m trying to make sense of our creek-walking, particularly in terms of its relationship to more clearly environmental restoration based activities. We have tended not to intervene in creek environments. We have walked through them. We have engaged in conversations, … Continue reading

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Transforming Waterways

(Short paper I gave at the ‘Transforming Waterways’ session of the Global Ecologies – Local Impacts conference, Sydney University, 23-25 November 2016) The question that I want to address in this paper is that of transformation, particularly art’s capacity to … Continue reading

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Street Insult

I really didn’t know what he was saying when I turned the corner on to Smith’s Street. He was standing just outside Domino’s – very thin, tight patterned brown trousers, straggly beard, filthy bare feet. He was yelling something at … Continue reading

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What is the relationship between aesthetics and movement? What kind of aesthetic receptivity does the experience of movement produce? Here my interest is less psychological than historical and cultural. My interest is in how the experience of art is anticipated, … Continue reading

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